BoKS | Huurdersvertegenwoordiging SSH
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BoKS is the official tenant organisation for all tenants of housing associations SSH and Jebber

BoKS is an advocacy group that represents the interests of all SSH and Jebber tenants. As an umbrella organisation, we are mainly concerned with issues that concern all tenants.

Most SSH and Jebber residencies are represented by a local tenants’ committee of 3 to 5 tenants. A local tenants’ committee discusses SSH policy on a local level and can organise activities for its residents. Are you member of a local committee? Click here for more info.

SSH and Jebber provide residence for about 18,000 nationwide. Interested in what BoKS can do for you? Click here for more information.

Do you have questions or suggestions? Contact us via or email one of our board members directly.


Latest news

  • The SSH wants to focus on limiting energy demand, purchasing sustainable energy and limiting the burden on the environment. They do this on the basis of 4 focus areas. Sustainable new construction, sustainable portfolio, sustainable living and sustainable working. BoKS gives a predominantly positive advice...



SSH and Jebber have a lot of tenants in the beating heart of the Netherlands. Utrecht’s rich history, various must-sees and bustling atmosphere make it into an extraordinary city for students. SSH and Jebber provide residency to about 11.000 students in Utrecht.


This trendy harbour city offers more to students than a fancy skyline with its countless restaurants, clubs and bars. SSH rents about 1800 rooms and apartments in Rotterdam, both on campus and throughout the city.



Tilburg is a true student city, with over 29,000 students from the Netherlands and abroad. Tilburg has a ‘gezellige’, compact inner city with lots of boutiques and cafe’s. Two of the largest events in this city, are the annual Tilburg fair and the Carnaval festivities. SSH rents about 700 studio’s and rooms in TalentSquare.

Our Board

Interested in who represents your interests on an intercity level? Read more about us here!